Celebrating The Fourth IZIBET Elite Athlete Award for 2023

Lisa Marie Bezzina wins the fourth IZIBET Elite Athlete Award for 2023
National Lottery and the Malta Sports Journalists Association (MSJA) are pleased to announce that Lisa Marie Bezzina won the fourth IZIBET Elite Athlete Award, covering the period November – December 2023.
Lisa Marie Bezzina obtained her fifth success at the Pisa Half Marathon held on Sunday 17th December 2023. She crossed the finish line in first place in one hour, 21 minutes and 44 seconds, 18 seconds ahead of Brazilian runner Jocasta Oliboni Da Luz. For Bezzina this was her new seasonal best.
“Celebrating and recognizing the achievements of athletes like Lisa Marie Bezzina is the essence of the IZIBET Elite Athlete award,” commented Franco De Gabriele – Chief Commercial Officer of the IZI Group. “The creation of this award together with the Malta Sports Journalists Association was purposely done to recognise the determination and efforts of athletes like Lisa Marie. Our aim is to further the culture of excellence in sports, a culture that is Lisa Marie embraces in her day-to-day efforts in her sport.”
Malta SJA President Sandro Micallef said: “I am extremely satisfied that Lisa Marie Bezzina won this award as she is a real Maltese Elite Athlete who can be considered as a role model especially for her dedication and perseverance in her training. Her sacrifices are recognised not only for her success in the Pisa’s Half Marathon but in other local and international competitions.”
The IZIBET Elite Athlete Award is aimed at recognising exceptional performances by local athletes and is awarded every two months, covering the periods January–February, March-April, May-June, July–August, September-October, and November–December.
A selection board composed of sports journalists and sports observers is responsible for evaluating the athlete’s achievements during the designated review periods, ensuring a fair and thorough assessment process.
In the meantime, the official website of the Malta Sports Journalists Association provides the rules and regulations governing the award.
James Morgan, Brand Manager at IZI Group presenting the IZIBET Elite Athlete Award for November-December 2023 to Lisa Marie Bezzina together with Sandro Micallef, President of the Malta Sports Journalists Association.
Lisa Marie Bezzina tirbaħ ir-raba’ IZIBET Elite Athlete Award għas-sena 2023
National Lottery u l-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports, ħabbru li Lisa Marie Bezzina rebħet ir-raba’ unur tal-IZIBET Elite Athlete Award li jkopri x-xhur ta’ Novembru u Diċembru 2023.
L-atleta Maltija Lisa Bezzina rebħet għall-ħames darba n-nofs maratona tan-nisa li saret nhar il-Ħadd 17 ta’ Diċembru 2023 f’Pisa, l-Italja.
Bezzina rnexxielha tirbaħ din in-nofs maratona f’ħin ta’ siegħa 21 minuta u 44 sekonda. Din kienet l-aħħar tellieqa staġjonali tagħha fejn kisbet l-aħjar ħin u waslet 18-il sekonda qabel l-atleta Brażiljana Jocasta Oliboni Da Luz.
“L-apprezzament u r-rikonoxximent tal-ħidma atletika bħal dik ta’ Lisa Marie Bezzina hu l-għan ewlieni tal-premju IZIBET Elite Athlete Award,” ikkummenta Franco De Gabriele – Chief Commercial Officer tal-IZI Group. “It-twaqqif ta’ dan il-premju flimkien mal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports sar bil-għan li nirrikonoxxu d-determinazzjoni u l-isforzi tal-atleti bħal Lisa Marie. L-għan tagħna huwa li ngħinu sabiex tigi kkultivata l-kultura tal-eċċellenza fl-isport, kultura li Lisa Marie tgħix kuljum.”
Min-naħa tiegħu, Sandro Micallef, President tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports irrimarka: “Huwa ta’ sodisfazzjon illi dan l-unur ingħata lil Lisa Marie Bezzina, għaliex fis-sens tal-kelma hija Atleta Elite Maltija u hija ta’ eżempju għaż-żgħażagħ, għaliex tieħu t-taħriġ b’serjetà u dedikazzjoni kbira. Is-sagrifiċċji tagħha jiġu ppremjati mhux biss fin-Nofs Maratona ta’ Pisa, iżda wkoll anki f’kompetizzjonijiet oħra lokali u internazzjonali.”
L-għan tal-IZIBET Elite Athlete Award huwa li jirrikonoxxi s-suċċessi miksuba mill-atleti lokali kull xahrjen Jannar–Frar, Marzu-April, Mejju-Ġunju, Lulju–Awissu, Settembru-Ottubru, u Novembru–Diċembru.
Il-bord tal-għażla huwa magħmul minn ġurnalisti u osservaturi sportivi li se jkunu qed jevalwaw bir-reqqa il-kisbiet tal-atleti matul ix-xhur imsemmija aktar qabel u jassiguraw li jkun hemm il-korretezza matul il-proċess kollu tal-għażla.
Ir-regolamenti tal-IZIBET Elite Athlete Award jistgħu jinkisbu minn fuq il-website tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports.
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