Fabio Spiteri wins the fifth IZIBET Elite Athlete Award for 2024

Published On: November 28, 2024 | Categories: News & Events |
Malta Sports Journalists Association
Fabio Spiteri wins the fifth IZIBET Elite Athlete Award for 2024

National Lottery plc and the Malta Sports Journalists Association (MSJA) are pleased to announce that Fabio Spiteri won the fifth IZIBET Elite Athlete Award for 2024, covering the months of September and October.

On Thursday, 12th September, Fabio Spiteri became the first Maltese ultra-triathlete to complete the DECA race at Lake Garda in Italy. The DECA Ultra Triathlon leads participants over a total distance of 2,260 kilometres, which corresponds to 10 times an Ironman race. Athletes are involved in a 38 km swim, a 1,800 km bike ride, and a 422 km run, which is equivalent to 10 marathon races.

After an unsuccessful attempt last year in Brazil, where he was forced to withdraw due to severe blisters and torn muscles, Spiteri completed this year’s DECA challenge in 12 days, crossing the finish line with a total time of 264 hours, 51 minutes, and 58 seconds, placing sixth overall out of 11 participants. Spiteri dedicated this achievement to the memory of his late close friend and triathlete Jake Vella, and in support of Project 100, his mission to raise €100,000 for animal shelters in Malta.

Franco de Gabriele, Chief Commercial Officer of IZI Group, commented, “Fabio Spiteri’s completion of the DECA Ultra Triathlon is nothing short of extraordinary. At IZIBET, we believe in celebrating resilience, dedication, and exceptional athletic feats, and Fabio embodies these values in every sense. His perseverance, especially after overcoming last year’s setback, highlights not only his physical strength but also his unwavering determination and heart. Fabio’s devotion to raising funds for animal shelters in Malta adds a profound layer of purpose to his journey, making this recognition even more deserved.”

Clinton Buhagiar, President of the Malta Sports Journalists Association, said, “Fabio Spiteri’s perseverance and dedication are qualities to be truly admired and appreciated. His achievements required immense sacrifice and rigorous training, embodying a remarkable level of commitment. Spiteri stands as a true example of professionalism and dedication.”

The IZIBET Elite Athlete Award recognises exceptional performances by local athletes and is awarded every two months.

A selection board composed of sports journalists and sports observers is responsible for evaluating the athlete’s achievements during the designated review periods, ensuring a fair and thorough assessment process.

In the meantime, the official website of the Malta Sports Journalists Association provides the rules and regulations governing the award.

(From left) James Morgan Brand Manager for IZIBET presenting the award to Fabio Spiteri.

(From left) (From left) James Morgan Brand Manager for IZIBET presenting the award to Fabio Spiteri.

Fabio Spiteri jirbaħ il-ħames IZIBET Elite Athlete Award għas-sena 2024

National Lottery plc u l-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports, bi pjaċir iħabbru li Fabio Spiteri rebaħ il-ħames unur tal-IZIBET Elite Athlete Award li jkopri x-xhur ta’ Settembru u Ottubru 2024.

Nhar il-Ħamis 12 ta’ Settembru, Fabio Spiteri sar l-ewwel ultra-triatleta Malti li lesta t-tiġrija DECA f’Garda, fl-Italja. Id-DECA Ultra Triathlon tkopri distanza totali ta’ 2,260 kilometru li hija ekwivalenti għal 10 darbiet tiġrija tal-Ironman. L-atleti huma involuti f’għawma ta’ 38 kilometru, ġirja bir-rota ta’ 1,800 kilometru u ġirja ta’ 422 km, li din tal-aħħar hija ekwivalenti għal 10 tiġrijiet maratona.

Wara li s-sena l-oħra fil-Brażil, Spiteri kellu jirtira minħabba diversi nfafet f’saqajh u uġigħ fil-muskoli, huwa lesta l-isfida tad-DECA ta’ din is-sena fi tnax-il ġurnata u qasam il-linja finali b’ħin totali ta’ 264 siegħa, 51 minuta, u 58 sekonda. B’hekk huwa ġie fis-sitt post minn ħdax-il parteċipant. Spiteri ddedika dan is-suċċess għall-memorja tal-mibki ħabib kbir tiegħu u triatleta Jake Vella u kif ukoll b’risq il-Project 100 li bih qed jimmira illi jiġbor €100,000 għax-xelters għall-annimali f’Malta.

Franco de Gabriele, Chief Commercial Officer ta’ IZI Group kellu kliem ta’ tifħir dwar il-prestazzjoni straordinarja ta’ Fabio Spiteri fejn qal, “Il-fatt li Fabio Spiteri rnexxielu jtemm id-DECA Ultra Triathlon huwa tragward straordinarju. Bħala IZIBET ninagħqdu ma’ Spiteri sabiex niċċellebraw ir-reżiljena, id-dedikazzjoni u l-prestazzjoni atletika li jispikkaw fih. Fuq kollox, nammirraw il-perseveranza tiegħu, li ma ħarisx lura lejn dak li ġralu sena ilu, anzi ta qalbu u saħħtu kollha sabiex wasal fejn wasal. Ma nistgħux ma nsemmux id-dedikazzjoni li għandu Fabio sabiex jiġbor il-fondi għax-xelters tal-annimali, li taw valur miżjud għal dan ir-rikonoxximent għas-suċċess tiegħu.”

Min-naħa tiegħu, Clinton Buhagiar, il-President tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports qal, “Il-perseveranza u d-determinazzjoni ta’ Fabio Spiteri huma kwalitajiet li wieħed għandu jammirra u fl-istess ħin japprezza. Grazzi għas-sagrifiċji u l-volum kbir ta’ taħriġ, kien possibli sabiex Spiteri jagħmel dak li għamel! Fabio huwa xempju ta’ professjonalità u dedikazzjoni.”

Il-għan tal-IZIBET Elite Athlete Award huwa li jirrikonoxxi s-suċċessi miksuba mill-atleti lokali kull xahrejn.

Il-bord tal-għażla huwa magħmul minn ġurnalisti u osservaturi sportivi li se jkunu qed jevalwaw bir-reqqa il-kisbiet tal-atleti matul ix-xhur u jassiguraw li jkun hemm il-korretezza matul il-proċess kollu tal-għażla.

Ir-regolamenti tal-IZIBET Elite Athlete Award jistgħu jinkisbu minn fuq il-website tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports.

Stephen Azzopardi (Administrator of the Malta Sports Journalists Association), Clinton Buhagiar (President of the Malta Sports Journalists Association), Fabio Spiteri and Lorraine Cunningham (General Secretary of the Malta Sports Journalists Association).

(From left) Stephen Azzopardi (Administrator of the Malta Sports Journalists Association), Clinton Buhagiar (President of the Malta Sports Journalists Association), Fabio Spiteri and Lorraine Cunningham (General Secretary of the Malta Sports Journalists Association)..

National Lottery is a fully owned subsidiary of IZIGROUP, the largest land-based gaming operator in Malta. National Lottery is the exclusive concessionaire of the National Lottery of Malta. IZIGROUP also operates the Dragonara Casino, Malta’s No 1 land-based casino established in 1964. IZIGROUP offers a full range of online casino and sports betting products via dragonara.com and izibet.com and offers lottery products online via lottery.mt. IZIGROUP is an equal opportunities company and one of the largest privately-owned groups providing full time employment to over 500 employees.

IZIGROUP is committed to providing unique gaming experiences in responsible and safe environments. We emphasize responsible gaming and encourage patrons to visit the Responsible Gaming Foundation website for support and information.

IZI Interactive Limited (MGA/B2C/345/2016), Dragonara Gaming Limited (MGA/B2C/181/2010), and National Lottery (MGA/B2C/003/2022) are all gaming operations under IZIGROUP and are licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority under the Gaming Act Chapter 583 of the laws of Malta.

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