Drag Racing Champ Duncan Micallef wins 4th IZIBET Elite Athlete Award for 2024

Published On: September 27, 2024 | Categories: News & Events |
Malta Sports Journalists Association
Duncan Micallef wins the fourth IZIBET Elite Athlete Award in Drag Racing for 2024

National Lottery plc and the Malta Sports Journalists Association (MSJA) are pleased to announce that Duncan Micallef won the fourth IZIBET Elite Athlete Award for 2024, covering the months of July and August.

On Friday 9th August, the Maltese Drag Racer Duncan Micallef was again confirmed as the fastest driver in Europe during the third round of the FIA Top Fuel Drag Racing Class in Tierp, Sweden. Micallef shattered his record and set a new European Record of an astounding 3.79 seconds, and the impressive European Speed Record of 321.4 MPH. Duncan Micallef led the Championship till the last race where he ended in second place only four points behind the Swiss driver Jndia Erbacher.

Franco de Gabriele, Chief Commercial Officer of IZI Group commented that the performances of Duncan Micallef are nothing short of extraordinary. “Supporting an athlete that continues to rewrite the history books in the FIA Top Fuel Drag Racing Class is a privilege for us, and we are very excited to be associated with athletes like Duncan who are setting records internationally, such as the new European record that he has set in Tierp, Sweden. We wish Duncan all the success in his future endeavours.”

Clinton Buhagiar, President of the Malta Sports Journalists Association said: “Motorsport and in particular Duncan Micallef improved throughout the years and even broke records at an international level. No wonder that all the sacrifices done by Micallef led him to such a great success, and we as the Malta Sports Journalists Association are recognising him with this award.”

The IZIBET Elite Athlete Award recognises exceptional performances by local athletes and is awarded every two months.

A selection board composed of sports journalists and sports observers is responsible for evaluating the athlete’s achievements during the designated review periods, ensuring a fair and thorough assessment process.

In the meantime, the official website of the Malta Sports Journalists Association provides the rules and regulations governing the award.

(From left) Lorraine Cunningham (General Secretary of the Malta Sports Journalists Association), Duncan Micallef, James Morgan (Brand Manager of IZI Group plc), Stephen Azzopardi (Administrator of the Malta Sports Journalists Association) and Oliver Attard (Vice General Secretary of the Malta Motorsport Federation).

(From left) Lorraine Cunningham (General Secretary of the Malta Sports Journalists Association), Duncan Micallef, James Morgan (Brand Manager of IZI Group plc), Stephen Azzopardi (Administrator of the Malta Sports Journalists Association) and Oliver Attard (Vice General Secretary of the Malta Motorsport Federation).

Duncan Micallef jirbaħ ir-raba’ IZIBET Elite Athlete Award għas-sena 2024

National Lottery plc u l-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports, bi pjaċir iħabbru li Duncan Micallef rebaħ ir-raba’ unur tal-IZIBET Elite Athlete Award li jkopri x-xhur ta’ Lulju u Awwissu 2024.

Nhar il-Ġimgħa 9 ta’ Awwissu, is-sewwieq Malti tad-Drag Racing Duncan Micallef ġie kkonfermat bħala l-aktar sewwieq veloċi fl-Ewropa fit-tielet rawnd tal-FIA European Drag Racing Championship li sar f’Tierp l-Iżvezja. Micallef kiser ir-rekord tiegħu, waqqaf rekord Ewropew ġdid ta’ 3.79 sekondi kif ukoll waqqaf rekord Ewropew b’veloċità ta’ 321.4 mili fis-siegħa. Duncan Micallef Micallef baqa’ jokkupa l-ewwel post tal-kampjonat sa qabel l-aħħar tellieqa, fejn spiċċa fit-tieni post b’erba’punti biss wara s-sewwieqa Żvizzera Jndia Erbacher.

Franco de Gabriele, Chief Commercial Officer ta’ IZI Group kellu kliem ta’ tifħir dwar il-prestazzjoni straordinarja ta’ Duncan Micallef. “Inħossuna privileġġjati li qed nagħtu l-appoġġ tagħna lil Duncan li kompla jikteb l-istorja fl-FIA Top Fuel Drag Racing Class. Huwa ta’ pjaċir kbir li ningħaqdu ma’ atleti li jiksbu rekords internazzjonali bħal dak Ewropew li kiseb Duncan fi Tierp, fl-Iżvezja. Nawguraw lil Duncan kull success għall-futur.”

Min-naħa tiegħu, Clinton Buhagiar, President tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports qal, “Il-motorsport, partikolarment Duncan Micallef ilu għal dawn l-aħħar snin itejjeb il-livell tiegħu u saħansitra jikser rekords barra mill-pajjiż. Miniex sorpriż li s-sagrifiċju ta’ Micallef qed jerġa’ jwassal għal suċċessi kbar u ta’ dan, aħna bħala Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sport qed nirrikonoxxuh permezz ta’ dan l-unur.”

Il-għan tal-IZIBET Elite Athlete Award huwa li jirrikonoxxi s-suċċessi miksuba mill-atleti lokali kull xahrejn.

Il-bord tal-għażla huwa magħmul minn ġurnalisti u osservaturi sportivi li se jkunu qed jevalwaw bir-reqqa il-kisbiet tal-atleti matul ix-xhur u jassiguraw li jkun hemm il-korretezza matul il-proċess kollu tal-għażla.

Ir-regolamenti tal-IZIBET Elite Athlete Award jistgħu jinkisbu minn fuq il-website tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports.

National Lottery plc is a fully owned subsidiary of IZI Group plc, the largest land-based gaming operator in Malta. National Lottery plc is the exclusive concessionaire of the National Lottery of Malta. IZI Group plc also operates the Dragonara Casino, Malta’s No 1 land-based casino established in 1964. IZI Group plc offers a full range of online casino and sports betting products via Dragonara.com and IZIBET.com and soon will offer lottery products online via lottery.mt. IZI Group plc is an equal opportunities company and one of the largest privately-owned groups providing full time employment to over 500 employees.

IZI Group is committed to providing unique gaming experiences in responsible and safe environments. We emphasize responsible gaming practices and encourage patrons to visit the Responsible Gaming Foundation at Responsible Gaming Foundation for support and information.

IZI Interactive Limited (MGA/B2C/345/2016), Dragonara Gaming Limited (MGA/B2C/181/2010), and National Lottery (MGA/B2C/003/2022) are all gaming operations under IZI Group and are licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority under the Gaming Act Chapter 583 of the laws of Malta.

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